书面表达。 某天你和你的朋友在街上散步,看见一辆小轿车撞倒一个骑自行车的女孩。女孩的脚流血不止。

One day, my friend and l were walking along the street when we saw a car knock a girl off her bicycle. We rushed to help her. We found her foot bleeding badly.I had leamed some knowledge about first aid before, so we left her where she was. Quickly we found a clean handkerchief and pressed it onto the bleeding point and held it there. Then my friend went to telephone the First Aid Center. We were staying with the girl until the doctors came, and helped them to carry her to the amhulance, seeing them away, we felt very satisfied,for we used what we have learned to help others.答案不唯一 原文链接://shuzhiren.com/post/81877.html
标签: 自行车女孩



大部分选购自行车指南中都是针对男生选购的技巧,即使有选购尺寸对照表也好多都不太全面,那么身高更低或者娇小一点的 小女生该如何选购自己的爱车呢    部分南方女生身材比较娇小,对自行车运动很感兴趣,纵观...

用介词填空1. The twins are ___school. They are ___Grade One. Look!The girl___the bike is Lucy.

1at (at school) in (在几年级用in) on(the girl on the bike骑自行车的女孩)2.in (in the new dress穿着这新衣服)3. a...


女孩子在进行长途自行车旅游时会担心个人生理卫生的问题,简单至每天的洗梳已至月经周期的困扰,尤其骑行偏远荒凉地区时,会面对更多阻碍。    要克服这些困难是先要对骑行时间、路线、路况以及气候等有充分认知...


许多骑自行车或进行旋转运动的女性对因坐自行车车座而偶尔产生的麻木感习以为常。其实女车手与男车手在性问题上的风险是相似的。    骑自行车一直是与男性勃起功能障碍联系在一起的,而一项新研究显示,这同样也...



2024-01-04 00:32:32

one of those days when my friend and i was walking on the streets, we saw a small carriage ran into a girl that was riding a bicycle. afterwards, the girl's leg was bleeding really badly and would not stop. we looked for the nearest place that had first aid kit and then i helped her clean her wound and bandage her wound. while i was tending her wound, my friend was calling the emergency room and told them our location and the situation. not long after the phone call, the emergency officials came right away. we were thanked by the girl and her family members. we felt very proud that we helped someone and then we went home. 我写的这个是以 你上面的为主要故事 然后 根据这个写的。 望采纳~~~~

