
西方餐桌文化 原文链接:http://shuzhiren.com/post/99629.html
标签: 西餐桌



 长餐桌——西方优雅文化的典型代表 西方的餐桌礼仪由骑士精神演变而来。在十二世纪,意大利文化流入法国,餐桌礼仪和菜单用语均变得更为优雅精致。时至今日,餐桌礼仪还在西方国家继续传留。若你前往朋友家做客...


餐桌上有许多应注意的礼仪,而这些礼仪常被忽视。 (一)就座和离席 1、应等长者坐定后,方可入坐。 2、席上如有女士,应等女士座定后,方可入座。如女士座位在隔邻,应招 呼女士。 3、用餐后,...


不管在饭店或家里,以下是一些基本的西餐礼仪: 1、除非食物需要用手抓着吃,否则要用叉子吃,只有小孩才会用手抓紧着吃。 2、不要嘴里塞满食物,这样看起来不文雅,也容易哽住。 3、嚼食物时嘴要...




正式宴会开始前的准备工作之一就是要安排席位。西餐座次安排和中餐有很大不同。 状况不同,座次也有不同的,下面就中西餐餐桌座次安排作一番了解。 中餐宴席座次安排细则 中餐的席位排列,关系到来宾的身份和主人...



2024-01-14 07:30:31

Western culture propriety "Table manners" Western dining habits, and we have many, especially the Western official banquet many rules. Western attend the banquet should take the following matters : 1, foreigners generally do not allow for cooking liquor habit, what you like to eat. may have more points. 2, and all other guests are on the table before us, the woman picked up her knife and fork after a meal so indicate. 3, napkins should be out in my lap. Also can prevent neck or chest, but is not open. 3.10 napkins can be used to remove grease stains on the lips or fingers, but could never Cleaning tableware. 4, the body had to take a meal is not horizontal metal arm on the table. 5, the use of knives, forks, the government should use the left fork and knife to use. Carving knife in the dishes should avoid issuing beep. Halfway down their forks, a "8" - shaped sub on the plate. If forks together, said after meals. 6, to drink, they should first food to swallow. Using water glass, first remove just a filthy, so dirty glass. 7, sneezing or coughing, or to go the toilet should be around humanitarian Sorry. 8, dining, maintained silence is bad, but not food Tsui city speech to swallow FOR again. 9, and so when the waiter to serve the guests, go to your left, it is your turn the food. Meal finished, the woman stood up, only to leave. Napkins on the table, not folded as it stood.

