front D.J.[frʌnt] K.K.[frʌnt] n.前面; 正面Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front.她把别人都推开, 挤到了前边。一面The west front of the church contains some fine old windows.这教堂的西侧有一些精美的旧式窗户。前线, 战线The main body of troops moved toward the front.主力部队开往前线。联合行动, 阵线The opposition parties can only defeat the government if they present a united front.所有反对党只有结成联合阵线才能击败政府。幌子, 隐蔽物Although he was very nervous, he put on a brave front.尽管他非常紧张, 但还是装出一副勇敢的样子。This firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.这家公司不过是他们进行非法钻石交易的一个幌子。adj.前面的, 前部的; 正面的The wardrobe in the front bedroom has been built in.前面卧室里的衣橱已经镶建在墙壁之内了。vt.作…的正面Imported marble will front the building.这建筑物的正面将用进口的大理石来装饰。vt. & vi.面向, 朝向The cinema fronts toward the south.电影院朝南。The hotel fronts on the main road.旅馆朝向大马路。The hotel fronts the beautiful lake.这家旅馆面对着那美丽的湖。
1.Fronting for organized crime. 为有组织的犯罪做掩护2.a sanatorium fronting towards the lake 临湖的疗养院
3.a castle fronting on the sea 面向大海的城堡4.The police suspected her of fronting for a gang of forgers. 警察怀疑她是一帮伪造者的掩护人。5.Fronting water and with a hill at the back, this garden had a dense growth of evergreen trees and formed a “retreat away from the world”. 这花园依山傍水,四面苍松翠柏, 绿树成荫, 仿佛是世外桃源。
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